Common uses for recycled materials that you may not think about

Products made from recycled construction waste have many uses in the construction industry, but many of the common uses are often overlooked. When thinking about recycled materials, we often focus on building things out of reclaimed materials, however, recycled construction waste comes in many shapes and sizes and has a range of other applications.

After MET Recycling has collected different waste materials from a project site, it is then sorted and processed into recycled products including:

·       Aggregates

·       Recycled dust

·       Recycled bedding sand

·       Road base.

These materials are then placed back into projects and used in several different applications.

Pavers, driveways and footpaths

Using recycled products is an environmentally friendly way to provide a base course for roads, driveways, footpaths and even garden pathways for pavers. Uneven or soft ground compromises the stability of these structures and can cause damage that is costly to repair, or injury.

Recycled roadbases and dust are a perfect foundation for driveways and footpaths because it creates a solid base which can level uneven ground. Recycled dust is a blend of recycled crushed rock, concrete and brick and can contain fine particles which enable the material to be compacted. This makes it easier to spread and level. It is also highly compactable and binds well, creating a stable surface to work on.

Concrete…before it is recycled

Concrete is a vital building material that is used to construct footpaths, buildings and a variety of infrastructure such as tunnels and pipes. Concrete is often the driving force for society and plays an instrumental role in cityscapes and luxuries, like utilities, that many of us are accustomed to.

Concrete is typically made from cement mix, water, basalt aggregate and sand. Aggregates contribute to the workability, setting ability and strength and rigidity of the concrete mix[1]. Ultimately, aggregates contribute to the efficiency of concrete-based construction and the quality of the completed structure.

Landscaping and turf remediation

Green spaces enhance the liveability of communities and can often be the difference between approval or rejection for many development applications. Turf is used for backyards and is often laid post-construction in projects where excavation was required, sometimes due to the excavation, turf requires an underlay to support its growth which is often a recycled turf underlay. It is also used to build parks and green spaces.

Turf underlay is typically produced from a mixture of recycled sand and soil that are generated from excavation sites. During construction, sand and topsoil are removed to make way for trenches, foundations or as well as underground structures. Often considered as nothing more than a pile of dirt, these materials can be recycled into an environmentally friendly turf underlay mixture that is easy to spread and provides good root support.


If you need to partner with a waste removal company on your project site, contact MET Recycling on 1300 MET 123 or enquire online. We provide affordable and comprehensive services for your construction needs.
